Our Company


About Division 26 Inc.

There is no substitute for…

Hard Work   



At Division 26 West we are dedicated to our trade and committed to being a leader in our industry. We bring focused dedication, hard work, and a philosophy of quality and safety to each and every jobsite. Each new project… each new success, whether large or small, deepens our experience base and helps us grow.

Our personable, collaborative approach has earned us the trust and respect of our clients, but we take nothing for granted. We believe in continuing to earn this trust and respect on every jobsite.

We value and support our team. Everyone says it… but not everyone means it. We do. By adopting a “culture of safety” and having a leadership team which supports this mindset we hold our employees well being to be a key priority. This contributes to a healthy and productive workforce which is the foundation of our success.

We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate what sets us apart.

Our Mission: Raise the Bar

Division 26 is a company of dedicated, passionate professionals. We are receptive to new ideas and embrace changes that improve upon the services we provide. Our people are our company and their health and safety is paramount. We believe in ongoing learning so that we are the ones raising the bar, not reaching for it.

Ask Us

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